We stand behind our products and warrant that all items will be free from manufacturing defects for the life of the products. If you believe your item has a manufacturing defect, you may return it to us for inspection. If we determine your item is damaged due to a manufacturing defect, we will repair it free of charge.

If we determine that the damage is not caused by a manufacturing defect, we will notify you and let you know if repair services are available at cost or otherwise.


We recommend having your Anantaa Diamonds jewellery cleaned and inspected every six months or if it undergoes any potential trauma. Inspections may help prevent the loss of a stone and extend the life of your jewellery.

We offer a complimentary lifetime cleaning and inspection service to Anantaa Diamonds customers. Please note that the shipping to Anantaa Diamonds and return shipping is chargeable to the customer.


Our Manufacturing Warranty and Cleaning and Inspection Services are available only to Anantaa Diamonds customers. Please note that maintenance, repair, sizing, or other services performed by someone other than Anantaa Diamonds will void your Manufacturing Warranty.

We do not provide warranties for damage due to normal wear, product loss, loss of stones or theft.

Some examples of common jewellery issues that would not be considered manufacturing defects include:

    • Discolouration due to exposure to chemicals, make-up, swimming pools, hot tubs or bathing.
    • Bent, caught or worn out prong(s), allowing a stone to fall out or get lost due to normal wear or other damage.
    • Lost or fallen out gemstone due to chipping or breaking caused by normal wear or other damage.


Contact us for Manufacturing Warranty or Cleaning and Inspection Service requests.
